Zing..ouch...static shocks
Today's episode of "Full House" featured the Tanners living through what they called a weird day...and boy..how did they know mine would be weird too?
In my recent memory (and that has not been the greatest asset of mine recently), today had to be the worst/weirdest as far as static shocks go....(zing...ouch..)
Even accounting for exaggeration for effect, I got zinged on the average of about once every 20 minutes or so...you could say sparks flew anytime I entered the lounge area of my office floor today...alas..it just wasn't cuz of a femme-fatale...
Experts tell me it is because of my dry skin and the rubber-soles of my shoes..but its not like my skin just dried up like raisins this morning or that the rubber-soles of my shoes just opened up this morning...no...it was more of a conspiracy...
Yes..conspiracy..thats what it was....:D (See..the shocks so got to me, I became delusional [self-satisfied smug smile on my face])
My Physics book says that contact between two objects causes electrons from one to get rubbed off into the other...for e.g..rubber-soled shoes scuffling on a rug causes the shoes, and hence the shoe-wearer to be electro-negative (excess of electrons) and hence, any contact with metal or similar components generates the spark (zing..ouch) that we call static electricity...not helping the matters is the fact that I am dry-skinned, and it is the middle of the danged winter/dry season..
But here is the scientifically weird thing...supposedly, incidence of static electricity increases with the decrease in humidity..and it was raining today, for crying-out-loud...and yet...i got zinged at a record pace (yeah..like I said earlier..conspiracy..thats what this is)
Maybe, just maybe..me having mentioned this now, I have jinxed static shocks to hell and they will stop bothering me..in the mean time...just be careful when I enter a room..I just might provide the spark that set off the entire thing alight :D
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