Saturday, March 19, 2005

English Vocab

Sequel to earlier post in this blog

English has become such a commonly used language world-wide that it is impossible to tell where it begins and where it fades into another language or dialect or what-have-you's like Hinglish, Tanglish, Spanglish...

/*...Creates an interesting question...*/
How many words are there in English?
Oxford, of Oxford English Dictionary, the OED fame answers it here

Also, an updated answer to the question of the Alphabet Soup

Short answer to long question of reforming English: Ve're so yoused to this karrent vershun, there is just too much inershia to change. Now, isn't this familiar?


Adaengappa !! said...

Quite Interesting!!

ammani said...

txtng is chngng way v spl. tx 4 cmng by.

The Last Blogger said...

While I may seem prejudiced, I have been unhappy reading many emails from India from friends and stuff who use the short form of common words and sentences. I understand it saves time and effort but Id rather spend the extra time writing better.

Nth Dimension said...

Adengappa and Ammani..thanks for stopping by too..

Ranga, the question is not one of bias. It is one of familiarity. If we are not familiar with a specific usage of a term, we are bound to be unhappy/irritated..